For Parents » Title 1 / SIC

Title 1 / SIC

  • What is Title I? 

    Title I is the largest federal education program supported through the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965. The current authorization is referred to as the "Every Student Succeeds Act." (ESSA).

    Schools are identified for Title I support based on the socio economic status of the students that attend. Regulations require that schools involve a team of stakeholders, including staff, parents, and community members in determining how funds are best used to meet the needs of a school. Title I schools are held accountable for and support student achievement, school improvement, staff development, and family engagement. 

    Our Title I facilitator ensures that the Title I initiatives are coordinated and research based to benefit students in their classroom activities, the faculty in their ongoing professional development, and parents for supportive engagement according to federal guidelines. Needs assessments based on surveys, observations, evaluation, data analyses and performance outcomes help determine use of funds for our school. Title I funds are supplement to local support and can be used at the school level in a variety of ways.


    Our Title I Funds Provide the Following Support:

    • Instructional materials for classrooms
    • Technology- mobile devices, headphones, software, site licenses
    • Books for classroom libraries
    • Supplies to promote family engagement
    • 2 full-time Reading Interventionists
    • 2 full time teachers and 3 Paraprofessionals
    • Professional development support
    • Resources to support educational programs


    Parent/Teacher/Student Compact 

    Our Title I school jointly develops with parents a parent/teacher/student compact that outlines how families, the entire school staff, and students share the responsibility for improved achievement. School compacts ensure that each school will provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables children to meet the state's student academic achievement standards. Parents are encouraged to participate, as appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of their children. Communication between teachers and parents is ongoing at Title I schools and includes parent-teacher conferences during which the compact is discussed as it applies to each child's achievement.


    Parent Involvement Policy

    Parent Involvement is an integral part of the Title I Program. Parents are encouraged to become partners in helping their children achieve and become actively involved in all aspects of the process of the Title I Program, from the writing of the plan to its implementation and evaluation.  Opportunities for parent involvement include PTO/SIC events, family nights, and participation in school-wide meetings.  

    Each Title I school is required to ask for input from parents regarding the development of a parent involvement policy. This policy explains how the school plans to work with parents to review and improve parent programs and describes how parents can participate in planning these programs. 


    Parent's Right to Know

    Parents may request information regarding the professional qualifications of their student’s teachers, including the following:

    • Whether the teacher has met state qualification and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction
    • Whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or other provisional status through which State qualification or licensing criteria have been waived
    • The baccalaureate degree major of the teacher, any other graduate certification or degree held by the teacher, and the field of discipline of the certification or degree
    • Whether the child is provided services by paraprofessionals and, if so, their qualifications
    • Information on the level of achievement of the parent's child in each of the state academic assessments as required under this part 

    Teacher qualifications can be accessed at the South Carolina Department of Education's Educator Qualification Search.


    Title I Planning Committee/SIC (School Improvement Council)

    Our Title I Committee/SIC is made up of parents, community members, and school staff who are committed to improving school programs and procedures, improving student achievement, and increasing parental engagement. Our Title I Committee/SIC meets throughout the school year to analyze and evaluate program activities, staff and parent surveys, and school test data. 


    Suggestions and Requests

    If you have suggestions, concerns, or would like to view a copy of our Title I Plan, please let us know by contacting us.